Laser Therapy Vaughan
Revolutionize Your Health with Laser Therapy
Non-Invasive Treatment
Minimal Side Effects
Reduced Medication Dependence
Laser Therapy in Vaughan
It helps promote ATP (energy) production within injured tissues at a cellular level, which boosts the cellular metabolism and healing capabilities.
For best results, it is used cumulatively, with many short treatments over multiple days and weeks. It produces no heat and therefore is not capable of damaging tissue in the body.
Cells of our body naturally have the ability to resist over-stimulation, meaning it is not possible to harm tissue by overdosing, as long as the therapeutic laser is used in the therapeutic window, and remains below the maximum permissible exposure of tissue.
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Benefits Of Laser Therapy
Relieves pain
Accelerates healing
What To Expect During Laser Treatment
Most people do not feel anything during the treatment, though some describe it as light tingling.
The practitioner may decide to provide this treatment several times to different areas to ensure all the affected tissue is addressed. No discomfort should be felt during or following this modality.
Frequently Asked Questions
Laser therapy is safe, and Health Canada and FDA approved. This technology is non-invasive, non-toxic, currently utilized in 52 countries world-wide, and has been heavily researched since 1959.
Over 4,000 clinical studies worldwide have proven the efficacy of low-level laser therapy in treating a host of musculoskeletal, dermatological and neural conditions.
During more than twenty years of use by practitioners around the world, very few side effects have ever been reported.
If a patient is allergic or ultra sensitive to light they may show signs of skin irritation for a few days.
Occasionally some chronic injuries or chronic pain syndromes may feel slight aggravation post-treatment as the healing response occurs. This normally manifests as a low grade ache and only lasts a few hours after exposure; this can be treated locally with an ice pack for 10-20 minutes at a time.
Pregnancy: There is no evidence of harm to an unborn baby, however there are no safety tests either, so it is not recommended to treat directly over the developing foetus through the abdomen. It may be used on pregnant women for the treatment of back pain etc.
Thyroid: There is no evidence of harm and there is some evidence of benefit for treating Hashimoto’s thyroiditis with LLLT. As with many things in life too much of what is good for us may be harmful and so it is conceivable that a high intensity laser treatment direct to the thyroid might (temporarily) stimulate (or inhibit) some thyroid activity. We suggest not applying lasers directly over the thyroid.
Tattoo: Treatment over a tattoo with a higher irradiance laser may cause pain as the dye absorbs the laser energy and gets hot.
Please note that it is NOT a contraindication to treat over pins, metal plates, plastic, or pacemakers.
Cold lasers used for treating tissue are non-ionizing (unlike gamma rays, x-rays and far UV light). In turn, there is no DNA damage. The wavelengths were also selected carefully to ensure no tissue damage.
Non-ionizing radiation is the term given to radiation in the part of the electromagnetic spectrum where there is insufficient energy to cause ionization. It includes electric and magnetic fields, radio waves, microwaves, infrared, near ultraviolet, and visible radiation (World Health Organization).